Industry Experts Cite Market Traction and Growth Opportunities for POL

by | Sep 17, 2018 | Article

In the latest edition of Cabling Installation & Maintenance Magazine, Martin Chiesa, a senior researcher for BSRIA says, “BSRIA’s 2015 network cabling market brief cited that POL will experience significant growth, gaining market share and awareness in the LAN market, solidifying its position as a disruptive technology.  Two years later, we have released the third edition of our POL report and found that POL has evolved faster than our most optimistic expectations.”

The CI&M magazine article provides insight into the Passive Optical LAN research work completed by APOLAN, Gartner, Hanover Research and BSRIA, that showcases the unprecedented increase in demand and growth opportunities for POL in various market segments over the past year.

You can read the complete CI&M magazine article here.