Solving Challenges of Class-5 Switch Replacement

by | Aug 15, 2018 | Article

In an ISE Magazine article titled “It’s Time for a Switch” covering the topic of how to solve the challenges of Class-5 Switch replacement, Scott McIsaac and Todd Brinkerhoff state “By leveraging existing Next Generation Digital Loop Carrier systems (NGDLC) systems, like the Tellabs 1000 Multi-service Access Platform (MSAP), to collapse and replace Class-5 Switches, Service Providers can solve many challenges of Class-5 Switch replacement, and enjoy a more graceful path forward to the ultimate goal of an all-IP Ethernet-centric infrastructure. This represents the best exit strategy to eliminate 40+ years-old equipment for all the reasons stated above, without sacrificing today’s revenue generating services.”

You can read the whole ISE Magazine article here.